Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria Associate Teams


Participants : Eitan Altman, Konstantin Avrachenkov, Manjesh Kumar Hanawal, Parmod Kumar.

  • Title: GAmes, OptimizatioN and Analysis of NEtworkS THeory and Applications

  • Inria principal investigator: Eitan Altman

  • International Partners (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):

    • IISc Bangalore (India) - Electrical Communication Engineering - Anurag Kumar

    • IIT Bombay (India) - Department of Electrical Engineering - D. Manjunath

    • IIT Madras (India) - Electrical Engineering - Venkatesh Ramaiyan

  • Duration: 2012 - 2014

  • See also: http://www-sop.inria.fr/members/Eitan.Altman/Ganesh/Home.html

  • This project aims at producing outstanding contributions to the foundations of the theory of networks, in game theory, team theory, optimization and analysis. Three areas in networking will be used to apply these: (a) economy of networks and network neutrality, (b) scheduling in wireless networks, and (c) distributed optimization issues in ad-hoc networks.

Inria International Partners

Informal International Partners

Maestro has continued collaborations with researchers from GERAD, Univ. Montreal (Canada), Flinders Univ. (Australia), National Univ. of Rosario (Argentina), Technion – Israel Institute of Technology (Israel), Univ. of Arizona (USA), Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA), Univ. of Liverpool (UK), Univ. of Massachusetts at Amherst (USA), Univ. of Palermo (Italy), and Univ. of Twente (The Netherlands); cf. Sections and 8.4.2 .